Salary: $11/hourly while training; $15 after KBN Certification
Education: HS diploma or equivalent
Experience: We train you!
Hours: 1st shift for training
Richwood Nursing & Rehab’s Nurse Aide Training program offers the techniques and skills needed to properly Care for Residents. Our training can allow you to get SRNA certified in under 4 months. Plus, We pay you to learn!!*
*For more details call 502-222-3186 or text 502-565-7028, email, or stop by our LaGrange facility. Don’t wait to apply, classes fill up quickly!!
Nondiscrimination Statement Providence Group, Inc. and all of the Facilities that it owns and operates do not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color, national origin, disability, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or creed in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of their programs and activities, and in staff and employee assignments to patients, whether carried out by Providence Group, Inc. and the Facilities that it owns and operates directly or through a contractor or any other entity with which Providence Group, Inc. and the Facilities that it owns and operates arrange to carry out their programs and activities.